Our Website Redesign

Kelmin Products Inc website redesign
Hello Everyone,

And welcome to our first blog post. Our website redesign is finally done! Thank you for your patience. It took a little longer than we had anticipated, but as you can see, it was well worth the wait, and we couldn’t be happier with the final product.

Kelmin Products, Inc. homepage highlighting social media and new "Wik News" blogYou may notice several new features that weren’t on our previous website. This blog is the major addition. We plan to post more about what we are doing along with tips and tricks for ways you can use our Wik chafing dish fuel. We have also added several new social media outlets. If you don’t mind liking our pages, we would appreciate all the support. They are a work in progress, so be sure to check in frequently and be on the lookout for some amazing and useful content.

Have a great day and we thank you for your business and support.


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